Whitley County Master Gardeners
Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program
What is a Master Gardener?
A Master Gardener:
- Has an interest in all types of gardening, such as ornamental or vegetable.
Wants to teach others to garden.
Is trained by Cooperative Extension personnel.
What Does a Master Gardener Do?
Master Gardeners help County Extension Agents reach more residents who have gardening problems by:
Supplying a variety of educational projects related to gardening.
Teaching Horticulture to beginning gardeners.
Using special talents, such as writing, photography, and drawing to benefit others.
Working information booths at community events and malls.
How Do I Become a Master Gardener?
You become a Master Gardener by successfully completing the training program and then volunteering your time.
How are Master Gardeners Trained?
Master Gardener training classes are conducted by Cooperative Extension Service specialists, agents, and other professional personnel.
Master Gardeners are Trained In……
Botany, Entomology, Pesticide Use and Safety, Plant Pathology, Soils and Fertilizers, Volunteerism, Flower Gardening, Fruit and Vegetable Gardening, Landscape Design, Lawn Care, Organic Gardening, Tree and Shrub Care.
How Much Does the Training Cost?
The cost of the Master Gardener Training program varies from county to county. Whitley County charges $50 to cover the cost of supplies and literature used in the training, which the Master Gardener keeps as reference materials.
What Current Volunteer Opportunities are Available?
Extension Backyard Vegetable, Herb and Flower Gardens
Growing Community Program
Master Gardener Newsletter
UK Arboretum
Reforest the Bluegrass
Board and Association Service